Friday, March 5, 2010

Happy Blog Award

Over a month ago I was honored and surprised to receive the Happy Blog Award from PineTreeHome. Thank you for my first blog award!
The first part of receiving this award is telling ten things that you like. Here is my list:

My family – They are my biggest supporters and my closest friends. I am blessed to have each one of them in my life.

Running – I began running in sixth grade and have been running ever since. Running is my daily therapy. It has taken me places and allowed me to do things I never would have done had it not been for my involvement in this wonderful sport.

Water – Except for a very occasional cup of hot chocolate or a milkshake (not sure if this counts), I drink nothing else. No coffee, tea, milk, wine, soda, juice or any other liquids for me.

Chocolate – I eat chocolate every day. I must confess, sometimes I eat it twice a day.

Decorating magazines – I love to read them, study them and can’t quite ever have enough of them.

Sewing – This one is probably obvious. I am self taught and so enjoy the creative process of making something out of fabric.

Fresh flowers – If I had to splurge on one thing it would be to always have fresh flowers in my house.

Being outside – There is nothing better than fresh air.

Decorating my house – My poor husband never knows what he is going to see when he comes home. I am constantly changing and moving things around.

Thrift/Antique stores– I am much more comfortable shopping for house things than for clothes. I love old things with a history – white ironstone, vintage grain sacks, silver, architectural elements, etc.

The second part of the Happy Blog Award involves passing it along to other deserving bloggers. As there are so many wonderful blogs I follow, I found this part harder than coming up with ten things about myself. Here is my list of five:

Room Remix
Creative Home Expressions
Get Your Martha On
Pure Style Home
For the Love of a House


  1. Congratulations, Stacey, and thank you for the honor of passing it onto me! It was great learning more about you. I drink mostly water, too, except I do need my coffee in the morning! I also love being outside and since I've started blogging {and over this long winter} my hubby's standard question is, "what are you painting now?".

  2. It's nice to know a little more about you! So great that your sewing skills are all self taught. You have such a talent for it. Have a nice weekend!

  3. Congrats! I love me some chocolate too!

  4. Congrats on your award. It is well deserved and it is nice to know a bit more about you. Really just water? I may try that this week and see how it goes. Well maybe water and coffee. I would have to ween myself off of that a bit more slowly. :0

  5. Wonderful blog and congrates on your award!!!

  6. Congrats on the award, your blog is so great!

  7. Congratulations on your Award!!
    And oh my... how sweet of you to think of me to pass it on to! I am very honored. Thank you!

  8. What an EXCELLENT happy list! You're very well rounded with your life pleasures. :)

  9. I feel like such an idiot, as I JUST saw this and JUST realized you are the creative force behind several rooms I've ripped from magazines and stuck in my inspiration binder. :)


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