Friday, May 20, 2011

Painting on a Whim

For some reason, yesterday I decided the mirror over the grain bin in the sitting area of my kitchen needed to be painted. I am not exactly sure why, as it has never been an issue before and to tell the truth I am usually not impulsive when it comes to decorating decisions.

I just took the mirror down and started painting!

The mirror is from Pierre Deux and looked like this before I began.

I used one coat of Annie Sloan’s Paris Grey Chalk Paint followed by a glaze and then a top coat of paste wax.

You may also have noticed the wire container went from white to grey – another spur of the moment decision.

I am happy with the results as the mirror no longer looks “newly store bought” but rather more like something you would find in a vintage shop. The funny thing is that Mr. RDH hasn’t noticed yet. Hopefully he will like it as much as I do.

I was curious to know if you have ever done a decorating project on a whim. If so, what did you do and were you happy with the outcome?

On a different note, I am guest posting today at Remodelaholic. I am sharing my how to age brass tutorial.


  1. I like it, Stacy! It gives it a whole new (old) look! : ) I don't think I've painted anything on a whim. I tend to overthink how I want to do something before I tackle it. Although, doing that harlequin pattern on my side table recently was about as "on a whim" as I get when it comes to paint!

  2. The mirror looks fantastic. I love it and your room is stunning. Hugs, Marty

  3. Oh I LOVE it! Your eye is now drawn to the accesories on the cabinet rather than to the mirror. Great job...maybe you should be impulsive more often ;o)

  4. This is totally something I would do. I love how it looks! Well done. :-)

  5. I like your mirror much better painted. Looks like it belongs with over the grain bin. Love it.

  6. It does look great, updated and more modern.
    It's funny how men seem to miss the little details. I'm always telling my husband that. Maybe it just means more to us, but I know they also appreciate a nice home and all that we do to make it that way. Let's see how long it is before your hubby says something ;-)

  7. Loving the new look. It has a timeless quality to it.

  8. I love how it looks now, and how funny your husband hasn't noticed! I must get me some of that chalk paint, everyone is raving about, I can't wait to try it.

  9. I love it! Looks beautiful. I love it when a project on a whim turns out so wonderfully! :)

  10. I really like the way your mirror looks. Very pretty.

    And, yes, I have been known to paint things on a whim! LOL!


  11. Thanks for commenting on my camera blog today. I like the change painting made to your frame. Updated in a vintage way if that makes any sense, crisper, more settled.

    - Joy

  12. I gasped that you were painting a Pierre Deux, but then I saw the result and I actually like it more! I am a Pierre Deux lover though I own nothing from them. I've done more things on a whim over the years than I can count. Sometimes it's better for me to just do it than debate it, or I end up in analysis paralysis! Love the mirror, Stacy!

  13. Stacy great job!! I love the finish, I have heard so much about this chalk paint!

    Art by Karena

  14. Thank you for your lovely comment about my gardens. I am hopefully going to be able to talk my husband into making some raised flower/garden beds kind of like yours. That is one of the reasons I love blogland, all the wonderful inspiration. The mirror turned out great. Now, did you walk around with the paint brush in your hand wondering what else you could paint? Have a wonderful rest of the weekend.

  15. I need to do more things on a whim. I tend to debate and debate and then not do a thing.

    Painting the mirror gives it a great update!

  16. The mirror looks a lot better painted and way more updated than the way it was before. Are we taking bets on how long it takes Mr. RDH to notice? We've had stuff in our house for like 6 months or a year before my dad has noticed them. So funny when he's like "Is x new or did you change something recently?" and we're laughing because it's been so long.

  17. Pierre Deux items are so dreadfully expensive-I once took forever to pass on a pillow from PD to Goodwill just because I had spent so much on it! I think this was a great idea-the mirror looks wonderful. I like the lack of clutter/negative space in your home. I need to work on that more myself. Steph.

  18. that was a good whim!! the mirror looks wonderful!!- reminds me of the fabulous antique mirror Joni has in her bedroom! great job!


  19. I really like the "new" look of the mirror. I've been hearing a lot about chalk paint and have been wanting to try it. I am always changing furniture, vignettes around on a whim but don't usually paint on a whim. Atleast your project had a happy outcome!

  20. i love the transformation--- very chic! came over from naps on the porch-- what a great idea...

  21. I love the new look~ how funny that your husband hasn't noticed yet! Love that. My husband doesn't even notice when I move furniture sometimes!! I guess the men are used to thing changing all the time and don't even notice any more :)

  22. I think it looks so much better than the store bought look. Very pretty!

  23. Love the mirror and yes, sometimes I think you need to do it when you have a whim or it will never get done. Joni


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